BATHROOM: Dino-Rama @ Animal Kingdom


Chester & Hester’s Dino-Rama is arguably one of the oddest areas in all of Walt Disney World. Somewhat of a theme park within a theme park, this bright area is a dino-themed carnival that has been crying out to be closed for years. Somehow the restroom is an even worse attraction than TriceraTop Spin.

blankAmbiance 2/10
It’s frustrating because obviously this area of the park is inarguably awful, but it is different and does succeed in creating a carnival-feel that nobody asked for. If that feeling carried over to the restroom, I wouldn’t even be mad. When I visited, “Surfin’ Bird” was playing in the bathroom. This area is known for annoying pop songs, so I guess that works?

Decor 3/10
The only reason I’m going to give this any points is because the sign outside is pretty cool. I appreciate when a bathroom is clearly marked with an impressive sign. The only other thing I can possibly note is that the tiles are kinda cool and trippy. Otherwise: burn it all. The colorfulness of the outside area is not at all translated inside.


Facilities 4/10
Just overall not great. I’m pretty sure that’s the original hand dryer that was here when the park opened. Get ready to touch all the germs, as neither the soap or paper towel dispensers are automatic. The sink to stall/urinal ratio is also completely off.

Privacy 6/10
This rating is inflated mostly because your other options in Animal Kingdom are so poor. Dinorama is not a popular area so you’re going to have a better chance of going incognito here. This restroom is also 2-sided, with the side away from the entrance being a bit harder to see. Heading that way is not a bad option for a dump and run.
