BATHROOM: Electric Umbrella @ Epcot

In February of 2020, the Electric Umbrella officially closed to make way for new Epcot experiences. The future of this restroom currently remains unknown. While it’s wrong to speak ill of the dead, I’m not letting this abomination go quietly into the night. This is a certified Don’t Poo It! (but you thankfully didn’t really have much of a choice).


Ambiance 2/10
Up until the day it died, this was about as poor of a bathroom experience as you could find. Forget trying to set a mood, relax and take (get?) a load off. The only points scored in this category are for the Epcot Future World backing track being played.

Decor 1/10
I don’t even know where to begin. There was no theming to speak of to tie in to Electric Umbrella or Epcot. The awful decor began on the outside with the horrible cloth walls. The floor and wall tiles were equally ugly, but when put together it created something truly heinous. This restroom might have been great if it were in your child’s preschool, but I didn’t spend all this money to go to the bathroom in such a distasteful environment.


Facilities 2/10
This experience was about as basic as it gets. It was one step above going in the bushes, and that’s about it. You might as well have changed your baby on the floor with the very little room allotted for counter-top changing. If you were looking for automatic soap or paper towel dispensing, this was not your john.

Privacy 3/10
Being located in a restaurant can usually net extra points, but Electric Umbrella was such a popular quick service spot that obscurity points couldn’t really be given. Factor in the open door and ability for spectators to peer in and it had all the makings for a pretty public experience.
