Disney Parks Exec Gives a Sneak-Peak of Upcoming Hamilton Inspired Menu Items

blankWho knew, when Hamilton said “I’ve got so much on my plate!” he was actually talking about the incredible meals served up to him at Walt Disney World parks?

That’s right, coming later this summer are some unique food options, inspired by Disney’s Hamilton. There’s no word yet about these options hitting Disneyland or DCA, but we got the inside scoop from WDW’s Director of Entertainment Integrated Foods, Michelle Reed. Here’s what we know so far:

Columbia Harbor House – Magic Kingdom – Liberty Square – Full Menu Overhaul
Michelle tells us the beloved Columbia Harbor House menu will be getting a full overhaul. Say goodbye to fish ‘n’ chips and hello to your favorite turn of the 19th century American Colony dishes. Get your taste buds ready:

  • Baked Beans and Pease Porridge – Baked beans over hearty rye toast with a side of pease porridge, made from split yellow peas and rendered ham joints.
  • Boiled Bear Dumplings – Wild bear hunted by Animal Kingdom wildlife specialists and processed on site, served in a delicious hominy dumpling with a thick maize sauce.
  • Squirrel and Opposum Stew – This one speaks for itself – locally caught squirrel and opposum meat stewed until tender with squash, land cress, and pokeweed.
  • Walnut and Plum Parfait – This isn’t your average yogurt! Meant to replicate the yogurt-like Clabber of the 18th century, this spoiled-milk dessert is sure to cool you down on even the hottest Florida August day!
  • Hard Apple Cider – Made with crab-apples rotted and fermented on site, this incredibly strong, verile drink is just what you need to unwind after a long day in the Magic Kingdom. Raise a glass! (NOTE: you must consume your cider before exiting the Harbor House.)

I don’t know about you, but these options sure have our mouths watering! No word yet on pricing, but we’ll update as soon as we hear more.

Monsieur Paul – Epcot – France Pavilion – Two New Menu Options

Ms. Reed tells us there will be two new options added to the menu at Monsieur Paul, inspired by meals Marquis du Lafayette or Thomas Jefferson may have enjoyed while in France.

  • 100 Oysters – How many oysters is too many oysters? The Chef du Cuisine at Monsieur Paul believes 101. That’s right, you asked for it and it’s finally here. Now, exclusively in Epcot, you can sit back after a long day of drinking in the sun and kick back 100 oysters. Dreams really do come true.
  • Horse Tartare – What can be better after a sweltering day spent in the summer heat than a mound of cold, raw horse meat? We have high hopes for this dish, elegantly served with herbs and spices, with a raw egg yolk nestled atop and capers on the side. The perfect way to cool down and sober up – you’ve still got drinking in the UK and Canada left to do!


Thomas Jefferson’s Slave Trade Canteen – Animal Kingdom – Harambe
A totally new dining option for you Animal Kingdom fans, Thomas Jefferson’s Slave Trade Canteen will bring you the classic dishes a slave on one of Jefferson’s plantations could have expected. While we don’t yet have the details on exact dishes, Michelle Reed tells us they’ll be made entirely of the scraps and entrails discarded by restaurants all over Walt Disney World, and authenticity is the main objective.

Rumor also has it that if you show up to the Slave Trade Canteen at the right time, you may even find a cast member in character as the surly Thomas Jefferson. Beware, though! He may just mistake you as a slave and try to seduce you. This is the kind of attention to detail the geniuses at Disney continue to wow us with, and we’re excited about this most of all!