DisDumps Investigates: Space 220


52 years ago, mankind achieved the impossible as the United States first put man on the moon. As Neil Armstrong took those historic first steps, feeling for the first time the solid mass of the moon beneath his boots, it’s hard not to think what was going through his mind (Disney World construction?), and where the next 50 years would take us.

Two years later, a man from small town Illinois realized his dream as he welcomed the first guests to his new amusement park in a Florida swamp. Over the decades, the Walt Disney Company would push form and function to their limits, staying on the cutting edge of what is possible.

This year, these two universes collided as Disney Parks opened the first ever elevator to Space in their park dedicated to the limits of human achievement, Epcot.

Space 220 is Disney’s newest restaurant, where diners board an elevator from Epcot’s World Discovery Pavilion and ride it straight up 220 miles to the Centauri Space Station, where they can take in breathtakingly surreal views of Earth from above while they dine on an incredible American cuisine inspired menu.

Or maybe, as our investigation uncovered, visitors of Space 220 never leave Earth at all, as the new pavilion name suggests.

Diners are promised a one-of-a-kind experience – the chance to dine in space. After an intense investigation, our team has uncovered the unthinkable: Space 220, like many attractions before it, is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Another lie from the frauds at Disney.

We were first tipped off by an anonymous Cast Member who cautioned us to take a close look at the entrance of Space 220. Visitors with a keen eye may notice something – or rather, you won’t notice anything at all. That’s right, from the outside it’s clear – there certainly is no elevator to space.

We looked from every angle. Nothing. No elevator, no nothing. The folks at Disney are just mocking us at this point, leaving us to wonder where our $79.99 entry fee is actually going, if not towards rocket fuel.

And that’s where our investigation ends. We would love the chance to go into Space 220 and ride the “elevator” for ourselves, but it’s literally impossible to get a reservation. We’re going to keep trying, but in the meantime, take it from us: Space 220 – another Disney fraud.