NEW Minimalist Wall Debuts at Animal Kingdom


Get ready to strike a pose, Wallt Disney World fans! A new, minimalist wall has just debuted at the former home of Primeval Whirl, a beloved attraction which simulated what it may have been like to be a meteor colliding with earth during the time of dinosaurs (if you believe in such fairytales).

In the age of Instagram, the walls of Disney World have grown in popularity. What once began as accidental photo-ops, have now turned into intentional, well-thought-out art pieces that have become attractions themselves. This new wall just might be my favorite one to date — it’s sleek, modern, and absolutely dino-mite!

The sublime beauty of the spatial panel relationships celebrate the rich history of walls that came before it, while the striking purity of line, color and negative space are a step toward the future.

To celebrate the debut of #GreenLizardWall, you can stop by nearby Dino Diner to grab a matching Lizard Latte or SparklingSaurus Shake (while supplies last).

Due to anticipated hysteria and limited space, Disney is asking guests to limit their photoshoot to 20 minutes or 150 photos.

Will you be snapping a photo at this green beauty?