BATHROOM: Yak & Yeti Restaurant @ Animal Kingdom


Animal Kingdom offers few stellar options for bathroom enthusiasts, and while this isn’t a top rated location, it is a solid option for your DisDumping needs, and features some unique touches and (oddly enough) jaw-dropping technology!


Ambiance 7/10
Yak and Yeti is, like most of Animal Kingdom, very well-themed. I’ve got absolutely no culture, but the villages of the park appear very convincing to my ignorant eyes, and Yak and Yeti is no different. The hallway to the bathroom has a lot of stuff to look at and you’ll be able to experience the Asian ambient soundtrack more in the seclusion of this back area. It’s possible that the decor of the inside is purposely a little rugged to continue to set the mood of authenticity, which goes a long way to creating great ambiance.

Decor 7/10
This rating is generous, but the outside is so impressive that it’s deserved. The little paintings above the bathroom signs are especially neat-o. I am no expert on Nepalese culture, nor do I feel like researching, but it seems pretty authentic to me. The poster in the bathroom is one of the more interesting arts around, and actually prompted me to do some research.  Faasle is a Bollywood flick from 1985, which was not only a massive flop at the box office, but was crucified by critics for its weak story-line and slow pace. This is a pretty funny touch that I appreciate more after knowing the backstory.


Facilities 7/10
Not gonna lie, I have absolutely no idea what that Dyson dryer is or how to use it. I assume it’s for drying hands, but why would it be directly next to a different style hand dryer? Either way, the future is alive here of all places. I have not seen this elsewhere on property, and for that reason I’m giving these facilities a 8/10. But also, the facilities actually suck so don’t go by that.

Privacy 7/10
This is probably the most private bathroom in Animal Kingdom, which isn’t saying a whole lot, but I’m bumping up the rating because of this. The only other more excluded / out of the way dumper might be in Tiffin’s, but because of the attached lounge area, it’s more likely that traffic would be higher there. Only those dining at the sit down portion of Yak and Yeti or in the DisDump family are likely to come in here. This is a small location though and you’re unlikely to get complete peace and quiet.
